Monday, October 31, 2011


Heeeeeeeere it comes!
There are no good versions of this on YouTube, so I can't imbed it as a video.

Anyway, I'm pretty much 100% addicted to that song.

Moving on, hung out with Chris (WoaSM) Friday night (hence the lack of post). Oh my heck. I can't say a whole ton because I imagine he'll read this at some point, but oh my gosh, we have so much in common, at almost the exact degree of common-ness. Wait that doesn't make sense. But we're extremely similar. It's great. He came down after the Sperry Symposium, where I made up all of the D&C class I missed while I was sick, and we went to Sammy's. Man, I love me a Sammy's burger. Muchly. They do their bacon JUST RIGHT.

Came back to my apartment, watched Dr. Horrible, and then started to watch Syriana. It... yeah, not what I was hoping for. We probably made it half an hour to forty five minutes into it before we were both like, this movie is not interesting at all. Let's just talk about Quidditch instead! :) It was fabulous. And Syriana might have panned out, but it didn't seem to be going anywhere. There were just a bunch of random stories that didn't even allude to any sort of connections. Maybe I'm just dumb and the movie was too smart for me. But whatever.

Anyway, we talked about Quidditch/our lives/Skyrim (he made fun of my for my desktop background! PLEASE! It's the coolest desktop background ever) until... late/early. It was great. He is great.

Seriously universe, a roundhouse kick to the face is coming your way.

I meant to post ALL WEEKEND, but I just didn't. All I've been doing is thinking about Chris/AFC. I have this bad habit lately of being interested, snagging them, and then second-guessing the heck out of myself.

I have a date with Chris on Friday (!) and I hope I can get things sorted out by then... If not.... Well.

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