Sunday, November 27, 2011


So, frankly, this Thanksgiving 'vacation' has been tough. I missed Chris A LOT, and let's just say that my parents and I don't have an idyllic relationship. Nothing bad, just... extremely frustrating.

Anyway, finally made it home today, Skyrim probably 70% of the time, sleeping 20% of the time, and just goofing around another 10%. Literally the minute my parents dropped me off at my apartment, I booked it to my car to head to Salt Lake to see Chris. Freak, I have never been so desperate to see someone in my entire life. Even with texting/calling/skyping, I missed him with pretty much every fiber of my being. Yeah, whatever, I'm pathetic. I love myself and I hate myself. My diet starts tomorrow. OUR DIET STARTS TOMORROW. Oh wait... lol. Props if you know what I'm talking about it. Every guy should have a knowledge of it.

But seriously, I missed him a LOT. I am utterly terrible at the whole 'long distance' thing. UTTERLY TERRIBLE. If I could just... apparate... life would be 100% better. Because I would be with Chris all the time, except when he's at work, or when we both need to sleep. And even sometimes during the latter. Oh well.

No matter though. Made super great time to Salt Lake, after pulling a few maneuvers of questionable legality (aka going through the light and flipping a U to turn right because the idiot in front of me made me miss the left turn arrow... yup) and literally ran to his apartment. Except on the stairs... those things are SO SKETCH, I just know one of these days I'm gonna turf it (or rather cement it) hard core on those things. Had the longest/tightest/best hug of my life before we geeked out about Skyrim for an hour before I took him to work. (Yes, I drove two hours round trip for one hour with my boyfriend. WORTH IT.) It's been forever since I've been to that hospital, that thing is crazy massive. Watched him walk all the way up the stairs (LIKE A CREEPER, yeeeeaaaahhhhh) before I headed home. That was depressing.

Came home and hung out with Knight, we played Scrabble Slam, and once I got into my groove, I pwn3d. I like winning. :)

Anyway... Tuesday... date! I'm excited! (Once again, catch the reference and I love you.)