Thursday, December 8, 2011


Ohmygoodnessohmygoodnessohmygoodness MY SKYRIM SOUNDTRACK CAME TODAY. Yeah, the one signed by the composer, with four discs of video game soundtrack perfection. EEEEEEEE! I'm so pleased that it decided to come when I need it most, with many hours of paper writing looming over my head. Finally I get to listen to my favorite track (featured in the 20-minute gameplay preview from G4, it's called Under an Ancient Sun) without anybody talking to me, or wolves attacking me... It's gorgeous. Seriously, goosebumps.

The Quidditch team headbands came today. I bought two full sets (so, enough for a scrimmage) for like thirty bucks, which I think is pretty decent. I'm trying to decide if I want to BYU-ify them or not.

Another note, Saturday is Chris's birthday dinner. I wasn't particularly nervous about it until I read his blog. And now I'm way nervous. Meeting his family was... so awkward. Ugh, it was awful. We got there really early and so we sat around waiting to eat for like, half an hour-forty five minutes. It wasn't TOO terrible until Sister and Hubby showed up with Nephew, and then Chris ditched me to play with Nephew while I just sat there at the kitchen table awkwardly listening to their conversations. (That was one moment where I was like, "Damn, why don't I like little kids better?!") It was super awkward, and I kept shooting Chris these looks like, 'Save me!' which of course he ignored. It's not a big deal, if I were him I would've rather played with my cute nephew than sit awkwardly at the dinner table with my suddenly silent and thoroughly un-charismatic girlfriend. Yeah. Fail. Normally that never happens... but something about that situation, and the way I could tell that they were disappointed that I wasn't Hannah... I went into 'little shy hermit crab Jen' mode. Not a good mode when you're trying to impress people.
I'm hoping, though, that I'll be okay with his friends, because they're not as scary, and let's face it, Chris and I are pretty close to the same person. Plus half the Crimson Fliers will be there, and I already know them. NBD.

Still nervous though.

AND I have a huge paper to write tonight. Oh that writing a paper were as easy as writing a blog post!

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