Thursday, December 15, 2011


Trying to finish my twelve-page paper tonight... No bueno. I'll probably end up being up until four or so, sleeping for three and a half hours, going to work, then printing my paper and turning it in, and crying tears of extreme relief before I collapse in a heap on the ground from exhaustion. Honestly I am so sincerely looking forward to tomorrow night, when it's finally all over, and I can just play Skyrim all night without feeling guilty. Oh, and text Chris, OBVS.

Speaking of Chris, Hannah found out about his blog. That may have been, in an extremely indirect way, my fault. (Sorry Nerf... yes, my pet name for Chris is Scruffy-Lookin' Nerf-Herder. You're jealous, don't even try to deny it.) Remember how I love the Anti-Austens? Yeah, go check out this post. Apparently Hannah's sister may or may not read the Anti-Austens, which led her to Chris's blog, which... if you read it and you know one or both of them, it's... yeah, pretty each to use powers of deduction. I only feel sort of bad, I personally think she deserves to see a) how much he actually loved her and b) how much she hurt him by leading him on. Again, I'd say I hate her, but I really don't. I seriously owe her, big time, and although I'm NOT glad she hurt him, I am glad she lost interest, because I love Chris way more than she ever did. No seriously, talking to him about it has always kind of astounded me. She put next to no effort into that relationship. Yeah, who was the one driving up to Logan EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND to see her? Yep, Chris. And yeah, I've pulled the, "hmmm, that doesn't sound familiar at all" line, but frankly, it does make more sense for me to go up there, plus I'm pretty sure Hannah never bought Chris a tank of gas in her entire life. Which Chris does. And he washes my windshield. Don't worry, I tip him very well. ;)

However, apparently, I've made it pretty easy to figure out who he is. BUT! Although most readers know my name, most of them only know who Chris is through me if they Facebook stalk me. (Tripp you are officially being called out. Right now.) Never once have I called him by his real name, even though I almost have like 50 bajillion times, because I really like his real name. And since we started dating/since I started getting mentioned on his blog, I have only commented as 'Mirage' and not myself. Yeah, okay, I've talked about him being on the Quidditch team a lot, and I've posted attractive Quidditch pictures of his posterior, but seriously, only if you had Facebook stalked me would you know who Chris really is. Or if you had Facebook stalked the Crimson Fliers. (Either way, Tripp, you're still a creep. It's okay, I still love you. And if you're going to Facebook stalk me, just add me as a friend for crying out loud, Chris and I are kind of actually dying to meet you.)

On a completely unrelated note, my tandem bike bruise is officially ten inches long by four inches wide. Yeah, as soon as I can get a good picture I'll post it, because it's freaking epic. Definitely the coolest bruise I've ever had.

On another completely unrelated note, my students today were tough. They were good kids, just... ridiculously un-coordinated. Like, unbelievably so. This resulted in one of them getting hurt, which resulted in me having to fill out an accident report with Ski Patrol... yaaaaaaay.

On what I believe is the last completely unrelated note, I completely rocked my final tonight. At least, I feel like I did. I finished it in like half an hour, and I felt like I really knew all of the answers, and gave more than was required of me on the short answers. I'm definitely looking forward to my next class with Dr. Barney, because he's frickin' awesome, AND it's Accessible Recreation, which will be really cool from him because he's in a wheelchair. Wheelchair basketball HERE I COME!

Wait, I lied. Last completely unrelated note. I have cleaning checks on Monday and I do not want to clean... Pleh.


  1. Dear Jenerator:

    Sorry that I called you out on Waited For a Sister Missionary. Since I follow both your blog and his blog, I thought it might be helpful to point out how I thought he was discovered to help him avoid it in the future. Having been through that several times (each time causing me to seriously question this whole blog writing thing), I was just trying to be helpful. Sorry. As for facebook stalking, I apologize for that too. Curiosity gets the best of me just like I am sure it gets the best of you. No hard feelings?

    Love Tripp

  2. Oh Tripp darling, of course no hard feelings! I appreciate your concern.
    Don't even sweat it, neither of us gives a darn about Hannah anyway. Okay that's a lie, we all know I give way more of a darn that I should, but whatever. We do what we want.
