Monday, September 19, 2011


So last night my roommate and I stayed up really late talking because we both took really long naps. Hooray Sunday! Anyway at about 12:30 she started acting a little weird, saying that she was seeing two of me and that I looked like a monkey. Now, I know I'm funny looking, but monkey would not have been at the top of my list. The weirdness kept progressing, and her speech kept getting more and more slurred. As a disclaimer, a couple weeks ago she sprained her ankle really bad longboarding. She has some pretty intense pain killers plus Ambien to help her sleep when she needs it. Problem is, the narcotics and the Ambien are in the same bottle... So anyway, as her speech starts getting more and more drunk sounding, she starts talking about the dancing lights. There are a couple of lights in our room when it's dark, like my blue laptop charger and my orange sound system. But these lights most certainly do not dance. Then I hear, "I look at the lights and they don't move... And then they come alive and start dancing and like coming towards me... One of them had a face like a dragon." Meanwhile I am trying to hold back my hysterical laughter. But then her picture frames started crawling. "Ugh, if everything around me would just stay put! The wall people need to stop moving stuff around." Um... Wall people? "They're just, like, these little people that are part of the wall and they're moving all the picture frames around. Ugh! Chile! Stop trying to go higher! That is where I put you and that is where I want you!" Then Chile turned into a furry animal and kept turning over... Yeah, that really happened.

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