Tuesday, April 5, 2011


So, today (or rather, yesterday, since it's technically Tuesday now) I registered for fall semester. I'm only taking 12 credits but it felt like a ridiculous amount of work to register for them. I'm taking Dance 280 (yay! I love social dance!), both of the ISYS classes (bleckkkkkkk), Doctrine and Covenants, a Rec Management class that I can't remember the name of, and a careers class. At least, I think that's all of them. Overall it really doesn't seem like too hard of a semester but I've got to be honest, this whole not going to school thing is really floating my boat. Granted, in the real world I can't just go to the barn and play instead of working or going to school or whatever, but I would be perfectly happy to clean tack or shovel crap or whatever as a job. Professional groom? My parents might think that's a lame loser job, but I think it sounds freaking awesome. Especially because I could be good at it. I feel like horses tend to be drawn to me. That could just be desperately wishful thinking, but part of why I spend so much time at the barn is that I want to get horses. Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of things and sometimes I feel like a total idiot. Generally whenever Rachel is around I feel like a total idiot, but it's not her fault. Compared to her, I am a total idiot. I'm getting there though. Thanks to people like Sally (LOVE HER!) and the internet, and of course, the horses, I'm getting the hang of things. Slowly but surely. We'll get there, maybe by the time I die.

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