Friday, June 17, 2011


You know those days where you just feel... braindead?

Yeah, you guessed it, that was today.

It might have been all of that bleach I had to inhale from cleaning the sick cabins. Who also checked out an hour late. And they were the only cabins we needed to clean. >:[ Grrrrrrr.

Anyway, I got to the barn super later than I wanted to, and from that time to when I left I was just... bleh. I accidentally sprayed fly spray in my eyes (yeah, don't ask), and I think the only thing I actually did right was grain bags. Although somehow the seven grain bags I made to last through the week disappeared faster than they were supposed to, and unevenly. ?! Whatever. I'm so frustrated with not being at the barn every day. I miss it. I miss being around Rachel all the time, like, for real. She's so great.

Sunday will be better.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I'm not. Just internet-less.
Don't worry, you'll get all of it in one crazy huge chunk, either at the end of the summer when I have reliable internet again, or once a month when I feel like dealing with the internet up here.